Begin The Journey...

A blog dedicated to assisting those living with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain.

We will discuss natural modalities of treatment to assist you in self-management of your pain.

Our hope is to help you in your journey of reducing pain and increasing health and vitality.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Balancing Body Chemistry with Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis


What is this test?

 Hair tissue mineral analysis is an analytical test which measures the mineral content of the hair.  The sample is painlessly obtained by cutting the first inch and one half of growth closest to the scalp at the nape of the neck.  The hair is sent to a licensed clinical laboratory for testing.  The hair is put through a series of chemical and high temperature digestive procedures.  Testing is then done u sing highly sophisticated detection equipment and methods to achieve the most accurate and precise results.


Why use hair?

Fist it is simple, painless and it can be done at home.  The clinical results can give an indication of mineral status and toxic accumulation following long term or acute exposure.  The hair analysis reveals a unique metabolic world; intracellular activity, which cannot be seen through most other tests.  

Hair analysis is used by the EPA as one of the tissues of choice to determine toxic metal exposure.  Many studies report that human hair may be a more appropriate tissue than blood or urine for studying exposure to some trace elements.  The human body can manufacture many vitamins, but it cannot produce necessary trace mineral or get rid of many possible toxic excesses of minerals.

What can cause of mineral imbalance?


Improper diet through high intake of refined and processed foods, alcohol and fad diets can all lead to a chemical imbalance.  Even the nutrient content of a “healthy” diet can be inadequate, depending upon the soil in which the food is grown or the method in which is prepared.


Physical or emotional stress can deplete the body of many nutrients, while also reducing the capability to absorb and utilize many nutrients


Both prescription and OTC medications can deplete the body stores of nutrient minerals, e.g diuretics, antacids, aspirin and oral contraceptives


Daily we are exposed to a variant of toxic metal sources, such as cigarette smoke (cadmium), hair dyes (lead), hydrogenated oils (nickel), antiperspirants (aluminum), lead based cosmetics, copper and aluminum cookware and dental amalgams mercury and cadmium.  These are just a few sources that cause imbalances and adverse metabolic effects.

Many of these imbalances can cause allergies or can cause or increase chronic pain conditions.  Knowing what can trigger a pain response or an allergy response will be helpful in planning your daily routines and diet. 

With information from hair analysis, we are able to design an effective nutritional program from your everyday food that you purchase at your food stores.  We are able to give you a comprehensive picture of what foods or activities trigger or increase pain or aggravate allergies. 


Check  (Storefront for Valley Health & Wellness, Inc.) for more information and how to purchase the

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Kit

You will receive the kit with explicit instruction on how to clip your hair and how to return the sample.  In return you receive an in-depth analysis and computer evaluation of significant mineral levels and ratios as tested in the hair.  Included is a listing of food to eat or to avoid in according with allergy indicators and individualized requirements.  In addition, each analysis contains a highly specific listing of nutrients that may assist in balancing body chemistry.  With balanced body chemistry, many people have found their pain lessens or disappears.   

(Portions of text/imagery from Trace Elements, Inc. Addison, Texas)



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