Begin The Journey...

A blog dedicated to assisting those living with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain.

We will discuss natural modalities of treatment to assist you in self-management of your pain.

Our hope is to help you in your journey of reducing pain and increasing health and vitality.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Influenza A

This week I was going to blog about food and pain management however, I believe the epidemic of Influenza A supersedes and I will speak to natural remedy both herbal and Bach Flower Essence, to address the flu and management of symptoms.

First of all, if you feel you have the flu get to a physician and be checked. The physician will check, via nasal swab, to see if in fact you have the type A flu. If you do, begin the Tamiflu treatment. This strain of flu is dangerous and can kill. So, be wise, get checked and treated, is necessary.

In addition to the allopathic treatment of Tamiflu, there are herbal remedies that will help in limiting symptoms and in some cases shorten the time you are ill. I will list a few of both.

l. The herbs that would be best in helping with symptom control for the flu include:

Antimicrobials: Echinacea, eucalyptus, goldenseal, thyme and garlic.
Even though, this flu is viral these herbs help suppress opportunistic bacterium infections.

Immune Stimulates – Surface immune activation herbs or boosters: Garlic, Wild Indigo, Echinacea, Calendula.

Expectorants: Stimulating: Cayenne, Horehound, Bloodroot, Ginger

Antispasmodic: Sundew, Wild Cherry, Wild Lettuce, Cow Slip Relaxing/Demulcent: Pleurisy Root, Colts Foot, Pulmonary Tonic: Colts foot, Yarrow, Raspberry, Mullein

Anti-inflammatory: Colts Foot, Ginseng, Elderberry

Nervine Relaxant: Crampbark, St. John’s Wort, Wild Lettuce, Camomile, Valerian

A herbal suggestion that would include all the areas above could be something like this: Echineacea, Colts foot, Wild Lettuce and Crampbark. This could be made into a hot tea. You could drink this remedy twice a day. (I do not prescribe, only suggest)

The other area I would like to address is fluids:

It is extremely important that you remain well hydrated. Drink lots and lots of water, soups, etc. It is very important the keep yourself well hydrated. Many of those who end up in the emergency departments of hospitals are because of dehydration. Dehydration makes mucus thick and more difficult to move out of the lung. The cough becomes dry and lung congestion may ensue. So, please drink as much as you can and frequently.

Stay home, staying away from others. You are contagious 24 hours before symptoms and a week after symptoms abate. This is the best way to keep the virus from spreading in communities. Rest and sleep as much as possible. The herbal nervine I noted will help you rest.

For Stress Relief, I suggest Bach Flower Essence Resue Remedy Formula. Take as suggested on the product bottle. Most of all take the time to rest and recover.

Till next time.

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